Our philosophy
We believe our patients have the right to be vibrantly healthy! Our goal is to free people from a lifelong dependency of taking chronic medications that only treat the symptoms, but provide no cure. In the process we will empower a healthier community.
Our integrative/functional pharmacy model blends traditional pharmaceutical care (medicine) with complementary and alternative treatments to your health and well-being. We believe that food is the best medicine. We love clean eating. We go beyond the pill in everything we do, we call it the “Dilworth” approach, where there is always something more than just your prescription that can help you achieve better health, wellness, and balance in your life. We are passionate about wellness and are here to help you find it! Functional training is a large part of how we approach your health and prescription management.
Simply put: Dispensing medications is no longer good enough. We go beyond the pill. It’s time for Americans to start living and being healthy. Your path to wellness starts here. At DWC, we empower patients to make informed, confident decisions about their health and well-being–supporting them with customized strategies.
To co-create a pathway to committed, empowered, vibrantly healthy lives; through profound listening, transformational education, and heart to heart connections.
To encourage, empower, and enhance our patient’s and our community’s well-being.
To free people from a lifelong dependency of taking chronic medications that only treat the symptoms, but provide no cure.
Meet Josh
I like to de-prescribe drugs, and let me tell you why. After many years of dispensing medications to thousands of patients for many different chronic conditions, I began to see the same pattern, over and over again. My patients were not getting any better! Their symptoms were being managed (blood pressure controlled, cholesterol numbers going down, blood sugar at target), but their conditions for which they were taking these medications were not reversing or getting better. In fact, over time, what usually happened was my patients would take more and more medications and get less and less healthy. I started searching for a better way.
This is where I found Integrative and Functional Medicine. The Integrative/Functional approach to health looks for the root causes of illness and dysfunction and explores ways to treat those imbalances with the patient (not the practitioner) at the center of their care. I passionately believe this root caused, patient centered approach is the true meaning of real healthcare. This is why we do what we do at Dilworth Wellness Center.